You can sync your Boost calendar with Google Calendar automatically right from within Boost!
How to sync your calendar:
- From your Dashboard, locate the Google Sync button beneath your Boost calendar.
- This will open up a pop-up window with a large blue button Sync to Google Calendar
- Clicking the Sync to Google Calendar button will send you to Google's login screen
- Login or select the account you want to link with Boost (i.e. your school account). Then click 'Allow' when Google asks for your permission
- Once you click 'Allow' you'll get sent back to Boost and you should see a message in the top right that will confirm that the sync was successful. Your observations should automatically sync with Google Calendar now!
Important Notes
- All forms in Boost are required to have a date -- as soon as they are created, these will appear on your dashboard calendar
- Only forms that are explicitly for or by you will be synced to an outside calendar to avoid clutter and confusion in your personal calendars (although you can toggle your in-app calendar to view all events at your school group)
- Syncing your Boost calendar is a one-time-only operation — once you've synced your Boost calendar to Google Calendar, it will continue to update with future forms until the calendar is deleted
- Syncing your calendar only goes one way — any changes you may make to Boost observations in Google Calendar will not sync with your Boost calendar