The Form Results end point returns all of the fields and meta data for your forms. Each form returned is contained in an items
object, with 50 results by default.
- 15 requests are allowed every 60 seconds.
: Integer- You can filter results by setting a starting point using this "offset" option; for instance, to return "only forms after the 1000th form"
- Default is 0
- Format: --data "offset=1000"
: Integer- Set the total number of forms to return using the "limit" option; for instance, to return only the first 50 forms
- Default and max is 50
- Format: --data "limit=10"
: DateTime- This option sets the beginning of a time bound with which to filter results
- Format: --data "start_date=2017-01-01 00:00:00"
: DateTime- Similar to start_date, use this option to set the end of a time bound with which to filter your results
- Format: --data "end_date=2017-01-31 23:59:59"
: List- Limit the result set to a set list of form IDs (integers).
- Format: --data "ids=[21000,21001,21002,21004]"
: Integer- Limit the result set to only forms with specific template IDs (integers)
- Format: --data: "template_id=[34,56,133]"
Sample Object
"type": "formresults",
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"total": 200,
"time": "5.127s",
"items": [{
"id": 000000,
"date": "07||/26||/2018",
"time": "9:00 AM",
"end_time": "9:30 AM",
"authors": "Doug Funnie",
"topics": "Patty Mayonaise",
"type": "Informal Observation",
"template": "Informal v1",
"template_id": 0000,
"template_type": "custom",
"group_id": 00000,
"notes": null,
"statements": [{
"text": "Teacher started the lesson on time",
"text_clip": "Teacher started the lesson on time",
"evidence": [{
"id": "52c616ea42fd",
"time": "1:00:58 pm",
"timestamp": "1564765258919",
"text": "Teacher started the lesson on time"
"feedback": "",
"time": "",
"timestamp": null,
"rating": 4,
"rating_label": "Highly Effective",
"rating_score": 4,
"standards": [
"standard_strings": [
"Managing Student Behavior"
"steps": [],
"attachments": [],
"id": 3820112
"answers": [{
"field_id": "22001",
"label": "Did you notice anything extraordinary in the classroom?",
"answer": "Yes, everyone was seated before the bell rang.",
"comment": ""
}, {
"field_id": "22002",
"label": "What is your focus area this week?",
"answer": "Planning and preparation, along with student behavior.",
"comment": ""
"intro": null,
"summary": null,
"attachments": []
}, {
. . .
"items_count": 50