We get a lot of queries about this! The best tip we can give you is always follow the steps for syncing in the correct order.
We've listed some of the common issues below, but always feel free to reach out to us if you need a hand! Skip to view your specific issue by clicking the link(/s) below:
- None of my feedback synced, but I get a message saying the form synced successfully
Some of my feedback synced, but one or more components didn't show up in Advance
Boost says the observation was synced on [month/day] but I can't find the observation in Advance
- I receive an error message: "This doesn't look like the Teacher Evaluation Option selection page. Are you sure you're on the right page?"
I already synced the form once, but now I've made changes in Boost and need to sync again
My observation is not showing on the list of forms I can sync
Everything synced OK, but the Additional Evaluator Notes are missing
None of my feedback synced, but I get a message saying the form synced successfully.
The most likely cause of this is skipping step #3, outlined here. Make sure you're entering the date, observer, and MOTP type (informal or formal) on the ratings entry page in Advance for that teacher. Then click the bookmarklet to try syncing again.
If you're still turning up a blank after trying again, head back to Boost and check that you've got a practice selection for each component. If the practice selections are missing, the form won't sync. You can reopen the form and enter practice selections, then complete the form and try again.
If that isn't working for you, please get in touch and we'd be happy to help.
Some of my feedback synced, but one or more components didn't show up in Advance.
It's likely that you're missing practice selections for those components that didn't sync across. If the practice selections are missing, the feedback won't sync. You can reopen the form and enter practice selections, then complete the form and try again.
If that isn't working for you, please get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help.
Boost says the observation was synced on [month/day] but I can't find the observation in Advance
This can happen if you didn't click on Save and Continue or Save and Confirm in Advance. Our app recognizes that you went through the syncing process on that date, but we're unable to check if the MOTP Ratings Record was saved in Advance. It's not a problem; you can sync the form again.
When you re-sync the form, the date alongside 'Synced to Advance' will change to reflect the most recent date the form was synced.
I receive an error message: "This doesn't look like the Teacher Evaluation Option selection page. Are you sure you're on the right page?"
If you receive this error message: This doesn't look like the Teacher Evaluation Option selection page. Are you sure you're on the right page?, it means you are not currently on the Enter MOTP Ratings page in Advance. It must be the top window or tab in your browser to sync correctly.
If in doubt, please close all the other open windows and tabs in your browser. Open a new browser window and head to Advance. Try syncing again.
If that isn't working for you, please get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help.
I already synced the form once, but now I've made changes in Boost and need to sync again
No problem! The process is exactly the same and you can sync a form as many times as you need.
You'll notice that any forms that have been synced before will display in green, and have a check mark in the column 'synced'. You'll still be able to sync again by clicking the small 'sync' button alongside the observation.
My observation is not showing on the list of forms I can sync
Check that your form is marked 'Complete' in Boost. Any forms marked 'In Progress' cannot be synced to Advance. Double-check that the form is marked 'Complete,' then try syncing again.
If you only just marked the form complete and head straight to Advance to sync, there might be a delay before the form shows in the list. To refresh the list of forms, close the black sync box in the top left corner and refresh the page in Advance. Then try syncing again.
Everything synced OK, but the Additional Evaluator Notes are missing
This may be because your Additional Evaluator Notes are recorded in the wrong place.
The box for these notes is right at the top of the 'Feedback' tab. Simply click the +Add Evaluator Notes button at the top of the Feedback tab:
Any notes entered into this field will sync correctly to Advance.