This report illustrates the real-time performance across your school, with practice feedback against each area of your framework.
The Heatmap display of focus area feedback can be switched via the More Options button up top:
- (Default) The average practice placement each teacher has earned for that focus area
- How many times a practice continuum selection has been made per teacher for each focus area
- The last time a a practice continuum selection has been made for a teacher for each focus area
Reading the color key
Cell color only represents the average practice placement for a framework focus area in each column, relative to the staff or school group on each row. A blank cell indicates that a practice continuum has not yet been selected.
The colors presented in this table correspond to the specific practice continuum for your school or district. To access the scale and bounds for each practice selection, access the color legend by clicking the small inkdrop located in the top right of the Heatmap.
Additional columns
On the left-hand side of the matrix are two columns (in addition to columns for each focus area):
- Target — this column shows you which target this teacher has been assigned.
- Obs — this column shows you how the teacher is progressing against their target, as a fraction e.g. 4/7 indicates that four out of the seven required forms have been created.
Identifying framework domains/components
If you hover your mouse over the framework indicators, the full text of that component will be revealed to enable quick reference.
You can also choose to see more or less data about every focus area by clicking on the + and - buttons along the top row - if you choose to see data at the domain level, selections will be averaged across components.