The Target Progress report shows you the requirements for each staff member and helps you see at-a-glance which teachers need additional observations and those who are on track.
To access this report from your dashboard click the Reports button in the left-hand menu, then select the Target Progress option.
How does it work?
- The report defaults to showing all targets about all staff in the group. To narrow down your focus on a particular target, use the dropdown menu in the top right corner.
- The column headings indicate the type of form, e.g. Formal Observation or Informal Observation. Each row will show the number of that type of form that has been completed / the number of forms needed.
- The colors will also help you out: if a cell is green, that means that all required forms of that type have been completed. If it's yellow, they've been started, but some are still in progress. A gray cell means that no forms of that type have been started.
- Click on any cell in the table to go straight to a filtered forms list. It makes it super easy to locate specific forms.
- If you notice that a staff member's target is incorrect, or that a staff member is missing from the list, it means you'll need to update or add a target for them. Click on the gray Staff Targets button at the top of the page to do this.
In the example above, Demo Teacher 1 has been observed extensively, but Demo Teacher 4 still needs one more formal and two more informals before the year is up.
If you work at a school, this report will list the users in that group who have a target set. If you work at a district or network, it will display the groups in the network and aggregate the forms needed for each group.