You can get to this report by clicking Form Status Insights in the Reports section of your left-hand navigation panel.
This report has four different tabs that allow you to drill into your school data:
This tab shows automatically to school or group-level users. It will also display if you're a district-level user who has used the group switcher to drop down to the school level.
It displays the following information in a table along with a count of forms in each case:
- Which users have the most forms started about them?
- Which users start the most forms?
- How close is the group to completing targets?
Each table has a link to the full report beneath it, or you can click the tabs at the top of the page.
Forms by topic
This report shows the number of forms created for each staff member along with a color to indicate the status of the forms. The default is to show only staff members here, but you can use the drop-down to select all staff (i.e. including administrators too).
Note: District or regional users will find that this report appears identical to the Forms by author tab until you drop it down to the school level.
Forms by author
This report shows the number of forms created by each L2+ user along with a color to indicate the status of the forms. The default is to show admins only here but you can use the drop-down to select all staff (i.e. including staff members too).
Progress to targets
This report checks to see which forms are required based on staff members' targets. It then shows progress to those targets as a 100% stacked bar graph.