Discussion sections are located on all form summary pages, under the Discussion tab. These are a great place to build an informal but documented discussion about professional development, which helps to build trust, transparency, and sustained involvement in the feedback process.
Pro-tip: Try @-mentioning the staff member or school leader you want to communicate with: this sends them an email notification of your comment through Boost.
Suggested ways you can use this feature at your school:
- A teacher's response to an Observation or Walkthrough, starting up a dialogue with school leaders about feedback provided and potential next steps
- A school leader's documented note to a teacher or support staff member about the feedback within the form, suggesting potential next steps or resources to explore
- An admin-only discussion, about the form prior to sharing it with your staff, providing a route for you to norm practice placements and feedback content amongst your leadership team
Note: 'Admin-only' comments can also be made by checking the Hide this comment from teachers box, which enables comments only between admin users at your school group. These cannot be viewed by the staff member who the form is about.
Any discussion comments can be edited and removed by their author (although this will not recall or adjust any email notifications if sent).
There is also an option for you to include the discussion comments when printing/downloading the form for record, although 'Admin-only' comments are never included in this download.