The evidence that will appear at the top of the Give Feedback tab comes from any notes or snippets that were 'tagged' to this framework focus area.
You can tidy up your notes here by editing, deleting or re-sorting any of your tagged evidence.
Editing Evidence
To edit a timestamp in your evidence, you can click on it to alter the time or remove it completely.
To edit the text of your evidence, click the caret to the right and select Edit.
Note: This change will not be reflected in the editor. If you need to tidy up your low inference notes, we'd recommend doing this before tagging your evidence to the framework.
Deleting Evidence
To delete any of your tagged evidence, click the caret to the right and select Remove.
Note: Sketch does not have an option to delete all evidence, feedback, practice selections and next steps connected to a focus area. This is to prevent accidentally deleting everything, when you meant only to delete a single item. You can methodically remove evidence, feedback, practice selections or next steps that you no longer need.
Re-sorting Evidence
To re-sort your tagged evidence, click the three dots to the right of your evidence and use the drag-and-drop method to move it to its appropriate position.
Note: This sorting will not be saved in the editor or within your low inference notes. Your tagged evidence will reflect these changes on the form summary page.