To upload evidence to your goal - whether this is baseline data, a mid-year review, or end-of-year student surveys - you can click the Attach a File or Web Link button at the bottom of the goal profile page. You can upload external evidence from three places:
- Files from your computer with a maximum size of 10mb per upload (although we cannot support video files, such as .mp4)
- Google Drive files
- Weblinks
Pro-tip: If you want to upload video evidence to your goal, first either upload the video to your Google Drive or a video-hosting service such as YouTube. After you've done this, you'll be able to attach your video as evidence for your goal via Google Drive or weblink!
Evidence from other activities
If the goal is linked to a particular area of your school framework, any evidence from observations or other forms that have been tagged to the same focus area as the goal will appear in the Evidence section automatically -- as soon as the forms have been marked as 'Complete' and 'Shared' by the author.
You can filter your evidence to show only (1) attachments and (2) evidence from forms about you.
To dive into evidence from forms, just click View feedback to see any notes, practice continuum selections, or comments assigned to you on your goal's focus area.