We're sorry you're having trouble logging in!
What this means
You will receive an error if your school or organization uses a special method called LDAP to log in to SchoolStatus Boost. Here are some things to keep in mind about your LDAP login method:
- You do not have a separate password for Boost, and it also means that resetting your Boost password won't solve this one.
- When you log in, you need to use your school email address and the password you use to access your school email.
We send those details to your organization's servers to check they are correct:
- If they're correct, that'll get you logged in.
- If these details are incorrect, you'll be unable to log in to Boost.
Here's what you'll need to do:
If you're already trying to log in with the same email and password combination as your school account then you'll need to:
- Get in touch with your IT team to reset and confirm your password.
- Once you've done that, verify that this password is working to access other services, including your Organization email.
- If this is all working OK, then try those credentials with Boost!